About Me

I'm a Software Engineer, working in web development as a backend and frontend developer. Passionate about doing a good job, learning new frameworks and technologies

My job is to build complex web applications, so I am experienced in a complete cycle of development, starting from POC (Proof of Concepts), converting PSD/Sketch (you name it) to HTML, building UML diagrams and migrations for DB, creating backend and frontend communicating by RESTfull API, Websockets, SSE. Ending with deploying and scaling with CI/CD on AWS, and splitting required pieces of code to Lambda functions.

What I'm Doing

PHP / Laravel Development

Building API, Serverless functions and sometimes Monoliths.

JS / Vue / React Development

High-quality development of interactive sites at the professional level.


Professional page layouts using SCSS/SASS with responsive design.

Database Architecture

I make UML Diagrams, writing SQL Queries, Views and generated columns.


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